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Thank you for attending today's talk at Nomura on 12-10-24 at 12 ET. Please take a moment to answer the questions below, elaborating wherever possible. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will play a critical role in making future talks rich and informative.

Please fill out all applicable fields and write as clearly as possible.


1. How did your hear about this talk?

2. Why did you choose to attend today?


1 - Poor, 2 - Adequate, 3 - Good, 4 - Very Good, 5 - Excellent

3. On the scale above, how would you rate the relevance of the information you heard?
PoorAdequateGoodVery goodExcellent

4. Please explain the answer you gave in 3 above.

5. On the scale above, how would you rate the knowledge of the speaker?
PoorAdequateGoodVery goodExcellent

1 - Poor, 2 - Adequate, 3 - Good, 4 - Very Good, 5 - Excellent

6. Please explain the answer you gave in 5 above.

Favorites and wishes

7. What information did you find most helpful in the presentation?

8. What information did you find most surprising in the presentation?

9. What suggestions would you have for future presentations?

10. If you would like to receive today's presentation materials and learn more about Options for College, please fill in the contact information below, including "Parent email."


Student Last Name

Student First Name

Student Email

Student High School Graduation Year

Parent Last Name

Parent First Name

Parent Email

Parent Phone



Thanks for submitting!

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